Slipsilk™ está especialmente diseñado y fabricado según nuestros exigentes estándares de , desarrollados y refinados durante más de diez años para proporcionar la combinación definitiva de brillo, grosor, suavidad y durabilidad. Utilizamos la seda de morera de fibra larga de más alto grado (6A), con un grosor de 22 momme y aplicamos las más estrictas directrices de calidad, incluidos los tintes no tóxicos.

Slipsilk™ ha sido probado científicamente por un laboratorio independiente y ha demostrado que reduce significativamente la fricción y absorbe mucho menos crema facial. *Comparado con las fundas de almohada de algodón disponibles con un recuento de 220-360 hilos.


Las fundas de almohada tradicionales no se "deslizan", causando daños al cabello y a la delicada piel del rostro. Slipsilk™ permite que su piel se deslice, mientras que el algodón araña y tira de la delicada piel del rostro, provocando un estiramiento prematuro y arrugas al dormir. El satén sintético es un pobre sustituto a base de petróleo de la seda real.

Lea más sobre los beneficios de dormir en una funda de almohada Slipsilk™ en la sección debeneficios de .


Tradicionalmente, la seda sólo se lava a mano y en seco. Las nuestras son de la más alta calidad, por lo que se pueden lavar a máquina, pero siguen siendo de seda y necesitan todos los cuidados que podamos darles.

Utilice SIEMPRE un detergente líquido de ph neutro y/o un suavizante. La seda es una fibra natural y el lavado en una solución demasiado ácida o alcalina puede hacer que la seda se endurezca en un solo lavado. Si no encuentras un detergente que especifique el nivel de ph, elige uno que especifique seda. No utilice productos blanqueadores.

Otro factor importante es la temperatura del agua. Incluso una temperatura ligeramente superior a los 30 grados centígrados o a los 85 grados Fahrenheit puede cambiar la seda de forma drástica. El método más seguro si su máquina no especifica los ajustes exactos de calor es el frío o un nivel por encima del frío.

Una bolsa para prendas delicadas es opcional, dependiendo de su lavadora y de si tiende o no a agarrar las prendas y romperlas.

Si desea maximizar la vida de su funda de almohada, el lavado a mano es el mejor método.

Cuanto más suavemente lave su funda de almohada slip™, más tiempo conservará su brillo. Cuanto más brillante sea, mejor se "deslizará", que es uno de los beneficios de sus cualidades de salud y belleza.

Lo mismo ocurre con el secado de la funda de almohada, no la meta en la secadora.

En otras palabras, cuanto mejor cuide su funda de almohada de seda pura slip™, mejor la cuidará a usted.


No todas las fundas de seda son iguales. Tenga cuidado con los tintes tóxicos y con las falsas afirmaciones de momme (peso/grosor del tejido).

Los fundadores de slip han viajado personalmente por el mundo en busca de la mejor seda que el dinero puede comprar. Trabajamos estrechamente con nuestros proveedores para asegurarnos de que se apliquen prácticas laborales justas y de que sólo se utilicen materiales de la más alta calidad. Hechas de pura seda de morera con un grosor de 22 momme, slip de seda pura son las mejores disponibles en todo el mundo.

Tenga cuidado con las imitaciones.


Slip fue fundada en 2004. Somos una empresa familiar. La calidad y el servicio al cliente son nuestras principales prioridades. Después de diez años de suministrar a cientos de distribuidores en nuestro país, Australia, estamos muy contentos de poder suministrar a todo el mundo.


Por supuesto. Trabajamos muy estrechamente con nuestros proveedores para asegurarnos de que cumplen la estricta norma internacional Oeko-Tex® Standard 100.

Lamentablemente, no se puede decir lo mismo de otros proveedores de seda. Si compra una funda de almohada de seda más barata en Internet o en una tienda, es posible que no sepa lo que está comprando realmente.

Trabajamos con uno de los mayores y más antiguos proveedores de seda del mundo. Están muy orgullosos de la calidad de la seda que producen.

Con la seda ocurre lo mismo que con muchas cosas en la vida: obtienes lo que pagas.


Técnicamente, el "satén" no es un tejido; es un acabado. El término "funda de almohada de satén" es una abreviatura engañosa que se ha producido a lo largo de los años, que generalmente significa funda de almohada de satén sintético. El satén sintético (por ejemplo, el poliéster) puede resultar agradable y suave en la mano, pero después de 8 horas de sueño el pelo y la piel de la cara pueden notar realmente la diferencia.

La seda es una fibra natural, mientras que el "satén" está basado en el petróleo. Es más fina, más áspera y "transpira", lo que anula sus beneficios. Slipsilk Las fundas de almohada tienen un acabado charmeuse, que es similar al acabado satinado, pero superior para los fines de una funda de almohada de seda, ya que es un poco más suave y respira mejor.

Se puede saber si se trata de una funda de almohada de slipsilk genuina porque, además del bordado característico de slip , no tiene ese aspecto de satén sintético falso, superbrillante y reflectante.


El momme es una antigua medida imperial que indica el peso de la seda. Cuanto más gruesa o pesada sea la seda, mayor será su caída, su suavidad y su duración.

Desgraciadamente, los proveedores menos reputados miden el momme en diferentes etapas del proceso de producción, en lugar de hacerlo al final. En otras palabras, afirman un determinado recuento de momme pero es falso.

Slip los clientes han comentado una y otra vez lo sorprendidos que están por la diferencia. Garantizamos nuestra medida de 22 momme.


Slip fundas de almohada están disponibles en dos tamaños. Tenemos un tamaño estándar internacional/reina de 20" x 30" (51cm x 76cm) y un tamaño king de 20" x 36" (51cm x 91cm). Aunque nos gustaría satisfacer las necesidades de todos, estos tamaños son los más populares en todos los mercados internacionales.

Si desea que incluyamos un tamaño diferente en nuestra gama, no dude en ponerse en contacto con nosotros. Nuestra empresa ha crecido a lo largo de los años en respuesta directa a los comentarios de los clientes.


Utilizamos un albarán sin valor monetario para que los destinatarios de los regalos no vean el coste de la mercancía.


Nos basamos en la premisa de que nuestros clientes quieren su producto con la misma rapidez que nosotros cuando compramos en línea, es decir, lo antes posible.

Trabajamos constantemente con las mayores y mejores empresas de logística del mundo para ofrecer a nuestros clientes exactamente eso.

Para más detalles, consulte nuestra página de política de envíos.


Cualquiera que tenga una cabeza y una almohada.

A los niños, madres, padres, abuelas, celebridades y a todos los demás les encanta dormir en una funda de almohada slip .

Estamos muy orgullosos de nuestro fiel equipo de slip™, algunos de los cuales llevan durmiendo en fundas de almohada slip desde 2004.


Nos encantaría tener noticias suyas. Póngase en contacto con nosotros para saber más en wholesale@slip.com


En este momento no podemos ofrecer envoltorios de regalo, pero las fundas de almohada slip vienen empaquetadas en una bonita caja de regalo y son el regalo perfecto.


Slipsilk™ is 100% pure mulberry silk that is specially-commissioned and made to our exacting standards, developed and refined over ten years to provide the ultimate combination of shine, thickness, softness and durability. We use the highest grade (6A) long fiber 100% pure mulberry silk, with a thickness of 22 momme and enforce the strictest quality guidelines, including non toxic dyes.

Slipsilk™ has been scientifically tested by an independent third-party lab and shown to significantly reduce friction and absorb significantly less face cream. *Compared to widely-available cotton pillowcases with a 220-360 thread count.


*Compared to widely available cotton pillowcases with 220-360 thread count.

We spend a third of our lives in bed. In laboratory testing, slipsilk™ pillowcases were shown to absorb significantly less face cream than cotton pillowcases*, so they can help keep your skin’s moisture and valuable face and hair products where they belong, on your face and hair. Slipsilk™ was also shown to create 43% less friction on average*, which can reduce stretching and tugging on delicate facial skin.

*Compared to widely available cotton pillowcases with 220-360 thread count.

Ever woken up with a sleep crease? As skin ages, it loses elasticity and sleep creases - which are caused by friction and pressure on facial skin - can become more pronounced and longer-lasting. While the creases usually go away later that day, they can be gradually ‘ironed in’ over the years.

Sleeping on silk is a great expert beauty tip and a long-time beauty secret. Slipsilk™ has been shown to reduce friction by 43% on average*, allowing skin to glide along the pillow, which can reduce pressure on creased skin.

*Compared to widely available cotton pillowcases with 220-360 thread count.

The world’s most renowned hairstylists have long recommended sleeping on gentle, hair-friendly silk to help preserve your blow out. Ordinary pillowcases can cause hair tangling during the night. In laboratory testing, slipsilk™ has been shown to reduce friction by 43% on average*.

*Compared to widely available cotton pillowcases with 220-360 thread count.

Shipping & Returns

We operate on the premise that our customers want their product as quickly as we do when we shop online i.e. ASAP!

We’re constantly working with the biggest and the best logistics companies in the world in order to offer our customers exactly that.

For details, refer to our Shipping Policy page.

We love our customers and your satisfaction is very important to us. We will do everything we can to make you happy.

Your purchase of goods will be subject to certain laws including the EU Sale of Goods Directive no. 2019/771 dated 20 May 2019. These laws provide you with certain rights that cannot be excluded. Nothing in these terms shall be read or applied so as to exclude, restrict or modify or have the effect of excluding, restricting or modifying any condition, warranty, guarantee, right or remedy implied by law which cannot by law be excluded, restricted or modified.

Please send all refund and return enquiries to returns@slip.com.

If you receive a damaged or faulty item, please contact us for a refund or replacement.

If you change your mind and wish to exchange an item, that's no problem. To be eligible, your item must be returned within 60 days of purchase and the goods must be unused, in the same condition you received them in and they must also be in the original packaging. Please use a trackable shipping method, as we cannot be responsible for missing incoming deliveries. We will charge a shipping fee to dispatch your replacement.

Products marked FINAL SALE at the time of sale will not be eligible for return, refund, exchange or store credit unless faulty or defective. This policy does not affect your statutory or consumer law rights (including under the EU Sale of Goods Directive no. 2019/771 dated 20 May 2019) which cannot be excluded or limited by law.

We take quality very seriously. Our products are made with the finest materials available anywhere in the world. If you are unsatisfied in any way, please contact us at hello@slip.com and one of our friendly staff will get back to you asap. 

Our team dispatches quickly, which means we have a small window to cancel or redirect orders.

For changes to your shipping address, email, or order details, please email your order number and request to hello@slip.com.

While we cannot guarantee changes before dispatch, we’ll do our best to accommodate.

We’re unable to offer gift wrapping at this time, however slip® pillowcases do come packaged in a lovely gift box and make the perfect present.

We use a packing slip® with no monetary value listed, so gift recipients don't see the cost of goods.



Clinically shown* to visibly improve:






OVER 95% of cotton and synthetic (non-silk) satin pillowcase users who made the switch to slip® agreed that their:




were fewer and less noticeable.*


OVER 96% of cotton and synthetic (non-silk) satin pillowcase users who made the switch to slip® agreed that they would recommend slip® to their family and friends.*


OVER 92% of users prefer slip® over cotton or synthetic satin pillowcases.*


OVER 90% of users agreed they will be adding a slip® pure silk pillowcase to their beauty regimen after making the switch to slip® from a cotton or synthetic (non-silk) satin pillowcase.*


90% of users agreed that they had less frizz in their hair upon waking after making the switch to slip® from a cotton or synthetic (non-silk) satin pillowcase.*


90% of users agreed that their hair was more manageable after making the switch to slip® from a cotton or synthetic (non-silk) satin pillowcase.*


OVER 85% of cotton and synthetic (non-silk) satin pillowcase users who made the switch to slip® agreed that their usual messy, tangled and untidy hair upon waking visibly improved.*


OVER 84% of users agreed that their skin had fewer visible lines or wrinkles after making the switch to slip® from a cotton or synthetic (non-silk) satin pillowcase.*


OVER 80% of users agreed that their skin looked more youthful after making the switch to slip® from a cotton or synthetic (non-silk) satin pillowcase.*


OVER 80% of cotton and synthetic (non-silk) satin pillowcase users who made the switch to slip® agreed that a slip® pure silk pillowcase helped to maintain their hairstyle overnight.*


*Based on a study (clinical grading and consumer perception) of over 100 women, aged 35-65, who were regular users of cotton or synthetic (non-silk) satin pillowcases and tried a slip® pure silk pillowcase for 4 nights. Clinical grading showed statistically significant improvement. Individual results may vary.

Technically, ‘satin’ isn’t a fabric; it’s a finish. The term ‘satin pillowcase’ is a misleading abbreviation that has occurred over the years, which generally means synthetic satin pillowcase. Synthetic satin (e.g. polyester) may feel nice and soft in your hand, but after an 8 hour sleep your hair and facial skin can really feel the difference.

Silk is a natural fibre, whereas ‘satin’ is petroleum based. It’s thinner, rougher and it ‘sweats’, essentially negating the benefits. Slipsilk™ pillowcases have a charmeuse finish, which is similar to a satin finish, but superior for the purposes of a silk pillowcase in that it’s a bit softer and breathes better.

You can tell if it’s a genuine slipsilk™ pillowcase because as well as the signature slip® embroidery, it doesn’t have that fake, super-shiny, reflective synthetic satin look.

Why Slip®

All silk pillowcases are not created equal. Watch out for toxic dyes and false claims of momme (fabric weight/thickness).

The founders of slip® have personally travelled the world in search of the very best silk money can buy. We work closely with our suppliers to ensure that fair workplace practices are enforced and that only the highest quality materials are used. Made from pure mulberry silk with a thickness of 22 momme, slip® pure silk pillowcases are the very best available anywhere in the world.

Beware of imitations.

Slip® was founded in 2004. We are a family owned and operated business. Quality and customer service are our top priorities. After ten years of supplying hundreds of stockists across our home country of Australia, we are very excited to now be supplying the world.

Anyone with a head and a pillow!

Kids, mothers, fathers, grandmas, celebrities and everyone in between love sleeping on a slip® pillowcase.

We are very proud of our loyal slip® squad, some of whom have been sleeping on slip® pillowcases since 2004!

Absolutely. We work very closely with our suppliers to ensure that they meet the most stringent international standards.

Sadly the same can not be said for other silk suppliers. If you purchase a cheaper silk pillowcase online or in-store, you may not know what you’re really buying.

We work with one of the largest and longest running silk suppliers in the world. They take great pride in the quality of silk they produce.

It is with silk as it is with many things in life; you get what you pay for.

Momme is an old imperial measurement indicating the weight of the silk. The thicker or heavier the silk, the more it drapes, the softer it feels and the longer it lasts.

Unfortunately, less reputable suppliers measure the momme at different stages during the production process, rather than at the end. In other words, they claim a certain momme count but it’s false.

Slip® customers have remarked time and again how amazed they are by the difference. We guarantee our measurement of 22 momme.

Slip® pillowcases are available in two sizes. We have a standard international/queen size of 20” x 30” (51cm x 76cm) and a king size of 20" x 36" (51cm x 91cm). While we’d like to cater to everyone’s needs, these sizes are the most popular across all international markets.

If you would like to see us include a different size in our range, please feel free to contact us. Our company has grown over the years in direct response to customer feedback.

Traditionally, silk is hand wash and dry clean only. Ours are of the highest quality so they are machine washable, but they are still silk and need as much care as we can give them.

ALWAYS use a ph neutral liquid detergent and/or fabric softener. Silk is a natural fibre and washing in a solution that’s too acidic or alkaline can cause the silk to harden in a single wash. If you can't find a detergent that specifies ph level then just go for one that specifies silk. Do not use bleach products.

Another important factor is water temperature. Even just slightly above 30 degrees Centigrade or 85 degrees Fahrenheit can change silk dramatically. The safest method if your machine doesn't specify exact heat settings is either cold or just one level above cold.

A delicates bag is optional, depending on your washing machine and whether or not it tends to grab items and tear them.

If you wish to maximise the life of your pillowcase, hand washing is the ultimate method.

The gentler you wash your slip® pillowcase, the longer it will keep its sheen. The shinier it is, the better it will 'slip,' which is one of the benefits to its health and beauty qualities.

The same goes for drying your pillowcase, do not place in tumble dryer.

In other words, the better you care for your slip® pure silk pillowcase, the better it will care for you.

Contact slip®

For PR inquiries please contact - pr@slip.com

For wholesale inquiries - wholesale@slip.com

For general inquiries, or questions about your order please contact our customer care team here, or email hello@slip.com